A Rite of Rapture (元服の日)

Kisaburo's eyes widened as he followed his father Seiji through the prison yard. He had never been in a place like this before, or the sight of so many women, some naked and tied up with straw ropes, others scandalously urinating and defecating on the back lawn's gulches. He trailed the brawny kimono through the crowded yard, but his eyes still darted with the same disbelief.

of them relieving their bowels in plain view was overwhelming. 

But when his father led him to the bound waiting woman, his breath hitched. Her bare breasts were full and firm, her hands and bust bound by a thin straw rope. She was radiant, despite her circumstances, and Kisaburo felt a blossom of sweetness as he took in her whole.

"Kisaburo, my good lad, meet Madam Ariaki. Isn't she lovely?" Seiji beamed as he showed her with his hand, his voice stirring with familiarity.

Kisaburo's face flushed toro- red at the named watching woman's nakedness, but Madam Ariaki only smiled at him, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"You have a beautiful name, Kisaburo," she cooed, her girlish voice smooth like honey. "It means 'the boy of three joys,' doesn't it?"

"Tell me, what do you think of my body?" 

...Wait. Wait, unless he's talking about THAT Ariaki? 

Kisaburo blushed, stuttering out a compliment before Madam Ariaki leaned in closer. 

"After my beheading, my body will be yours to do with as you please, dear boy," she whispered, her breath hot against his ear.

THE Madam Ariaki? Who, wh- Oh Amitābha b- bedded the Shogun himself and was one of Ienari-sama's favorite pets and- almost made into his Ōoku of 900? And whom he shared with at least of his 5 Daimyo cousins?

Seiji chuckled, ruffling Kisaburo's hair. "She's a fine specimen, isn't she? But there are a few things you should know about her body. For one, she's had quite a few lovers in her time, so be careful where you stick it."

Madam Ariaki giggled, her eyes sparkling. "And don't forget about my lovely breasts, dear boy. They're my best feature, wouldn't you agree?"

Kisaburo nodded, his mouth dry. He couldn't believe what was happening. He was being given a lesson in the ways of women by his own father, and the woman in question was a soon-to-be-beheaded courtesan.

Story takes place during the sinful height of Shogun Tokugawa Ienari's long reign. Ienari was a prodigiously licentious sovereign and was known to have had a shockingly large harem (Ōoku) of 900 women and fathered 75 children with them. Well, his officially fathered children of course. Off the records the Shogun had countless mistresses, incalculable whores, and innumerable bastard whelps. And this long age turned out to be as every bit excessive, neglected, and pornographic as the lecher who piloted it with his cock for 50 years. 

Some offenses though, can not just be forgiven. Even for Ienari- sama's female pets who also happened to be his female Master of Whispers. When one of Ariaki's girls was too stupid and directly relayed the cruel gossip 1 hatamoto patron said about another rival during pillow talk straight to the subject's face, the offended client, who himself was a hatamoto snuck into the offender's quarters during his sleep and beheaded him, but not before departing with his taken cock. 

Once sober the horrified cock- and- head abductor tried suicide via lighting himself and the other fellow's cock- and- head on fire inside a hovel...and failed. Such was the end of the sordid Kansei Pleasure District Incident 寛政遊里事件~ or the more hilarious 旗本旗根の乱 (not hilarious to all whose clout was honor.) He did succumb to his full body burns later but all it meant was that the other clan had no way to bury their kith in whole and just left with a lot of angry recriminations. 

Naturally the 2 ruinous whores must die, and the rest of their cathouse penned. Either that or offend two clans that actually mattered...or had the operation of the rings and rings of spies exposed to their current c̶l̶i̶e̶n̶t̶s̶  marks. Despite those promises once shared between Madam and her Ienari- sama on her pillow, ...and their bastards, the answer came rather naturally to the Shogun. ...After all the bastards were only stillborns. And women came so easily to his Highness.

"Now, now, Seiji. Don't spoil all the fun for the boy," Madam Ariaki chided, winking at Kisaburo. "Let him discover the joys of a woman's body for himself."

Kisaburo could feel his cheeks flush as he stammered out a response, unable to tear his gaze away from the Madam's half-naked form. Her breasts were full and round, her nipples hard and pink in the cool air. Her hips were wide and curvy, her legs long and shapely.

"Your father tells me you're a bit of a late bloomer," Madam Ariaki continued, her voice low and husky. "But don't worry, I'll take good care of you." 

Kisaburo could feel a shiver run down his spine, his body responding in ways he couldn't quite understand.

"You like what you see," Madam Ariaki said with a smirk. "But there's so much more to a woman's body than just her breasts and hips. Your father and I will give you some pointers before I...go."

Over the next few minutes, Madam Ariaki and Seiji instructed Kisaburo on the finer points of a woman's anatomy. They spoke in explicit detail, explaining the various pleasures to be found in the folds and crevices of a woman's body. Kisaburo listened, his wide eyes becoming wide with each elicit added detail.

"I can't wait to feel your touch, dear boy. And just a little suggestion - I've always had a fondness for having my nipples pinched. But not too hard, now." 

Finally, as Madam Ariaki was led away by his father, she leaned in close to Kisaburo and whispered something in his ear. He could feel her breath hot against his skin, her lips brushing lightly against his earlobe.

"Remember, my Tender Dove," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "The clitoris is the key to a woman's pleasure. "Never neglect it." She winked.

With that, she was gone, a fleshy walk sauntering off in her nude, leaving Kisaburo alone in the prison yard with nothing but his awakened shudders and the ghostly memory of Madam Ariaki's sultry voice. 

The Kozukahara Execution Grounds was the most neglected and degraded of the 3 major Execution Grounds in Edo where some 200,000 were beheaded and buried. Unlike the other sites, the beheaded at Kozukahara were merely threw into the shallow silt ditches inside the grounds. Often the earth bubbled after rain and the smell of pus slime rot was unbearable on hot summer days. Only the untoucheables and beggars lived near. 

Stray dogs and vermin would regularly come and dig up the carcasses. Kozukahara served as the main gibbet at the northern entrance of Edo beside the Arakawa river. Nearly all of the merchants and rustics from outside the capital could only pass through here on a long bridge over the Arakawa called the Bridge of Tears. Upon entering into the capital they would see rows of spikes and wooden lintels where the heads of the executed would be impaled. For this reason this road was called kotsu dōri or Bone Street by the locals.

Seiji led the bound Madam Ariaki towards the execution grounds, her bare feet leaving wet imprints on the dirt path. Kisaburo watched from a distance, his small sheart drummed like a woodchipper. He had never seen a woman in such a state of undress walking before, let alone one who was about to be beheaded. 

"Seiji-san," she said, her voice trembling with desire. "May I ask you a personal question?"
Seiji nodded, his eyes locked onto hers.

Her bare breasts heaved with excitement. She refused the piece of straw paper offered to her, she wanted to watch Seiji's face as her head was held up by her hair. 

"Those two sisters, they all say, who were so besotted with you that they pleasured each other while letting you took your pleasure in each. And then you beheaded them, their faces twisted in orgasmic bliss." 

"Do you still ride your charges?" She glanced up hopefully.

Seiji blushed, looking away for a moment before meeting her gaze again. 

"That was the old me," 
 I'm a married man now."

“She knows my predilections. And supports me still.” 
"Now I have no business to be with anyone else." 

"But what about when you...fap? Would I have a chance then?" 

Ariaki smiled, her fingers moving to her breasts, pinching her nipples. "But do you still think about it? When you're alone, do you still imagine their faces as you take your pleasure?"

"Tell me, when you're alone, do you still think of us?

It had been so many years ago but Seiji supposed the story got back to the other prisoners in the pens. An eternity ago it seemed now. Him wading in, still green on the job, the sight of those meaty hands on the 2 hissing sisters. And his own brick fists breaking those men's rat like nose and faces. A younger him, but not remembered with any regret. ...and why the 2 chose him to behead them each. He remember both of them, he remembers all of them under his blade. 

Seiji hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Yes, Madam. I do."

Ariaki's smile grew wider, her fingers moving down to her wet cunt. "And do you think of me, Seiji-san? When you fap and rub one off, do you see my face staring back at you?"

Seiji's face turned red, his cock hardening in his hakama. "Y-yes, Madam. I do."

Ariaki let out a low moan, her fingers working furiously between her legs. "That's such a compliment, Seiji-san. I'm so glad to mean so much to you."

Without warning, Madam Ariaki spread her legs and began to touch herself, her fingers slipping inside her sopping wet cunt. She moaned loudly, her body writhing in pleasure. Seiji watched, his cock growing hard in his hakama. And so did his son from afar.

Madam Ariaki's slender form writhed and undulated, her bound breasts heaving with each ragged breath. Her fingers trailed down the curves of her body, mapping the terrain that had once brought so many men to their knees. Her eyes, once filled with mischievous delight, now gleamed with a primal hunger. When she gazed upon Seiji, his blood became aflame. 

As she orgasmed, she smeared her sticky juices all over her fingers and held them up to Seiji's face. "This is how much~”

She spread her legs wider, showing Seiji her swollen clit. "Watch me, Seiji-san. Watch me cum for you."

She moaned with delight, her body writhing with pleasure as she squirted long arcs of ejaculate into the ditch. 

"This is for you, Seiji-san," she gasped, pointing to the puddle of her cum. 

She came hard, her juices flowing into the ditch.

"Seiji-san, take my head quickly! I want my cunt to be puffy and wet for your son to enjoy!" 

Seiji nodded, his cock throbbing with need. He raised his blade high above his head

Ariaki closed her eyes, already her orgasm was a dream.

With one swift motion, Seiji brought the blade down, severing Ariaki's head from her body. Her face was twisted in a lewd expression, her eyes still glazed over with pleasure.

Kisaburo's eyes widened as he witnessed the thin arc of her ejaculate, continued to spurt from her twitching sex.

The headless body that was Madam Ariaki toppled forward into the ditch. He could see the twitching of her ass, still squirting out uneven jets of feathery ejaculate, and felt a stirring in his loins. Kisaburo watched, transfixed, as the twitching pink curves continued to spasm, her cunt pulsing and squirting until it was spent. It was both horrifying and mesmerizing.

Man and woman. 

Slowly, warily, he knelt down beside the macabre offering, his gaze devouring every detail.

The earth still damp with her parting fluids in the tainted air of the execution grounds.

His father had promised him the head for that night too. The thought both terrified and excited him. Father's blade had rent her lovely neck asunder, but much still remained on the severed treasure. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her half-lidded eyes, the orgasmic bliss permanently etched upon her delicate features. With trembling hands, he cupped her chin, tilting her head to better examine her. Of that countenance, still suffused with an ethereal, otherworldly beauty. Her full lips, forever perverted in that final, wry orgasm, beckoned to him. A bead of sweat trickled down his brow as he imagined making those lips parting again. Instead he kissed her. His first with that of the female race. 

Trembling, Kisaburo's fingers wandered down, caressing the soft swell of her breasts, now bared for his sole enjoyment. He marveled at their soft, supple weight, pinching the rosy peaks between his fingers, eliciting a shudder of delight. Emboldened by his newfound power, Kisaburo's hands roamed lower, tracing the curves of her hips and mapping the contours of the late woman's expensive thighs. They were soft like virgin snow and silky in perfection, once wrapped around countless siring men. Kneeling beside it, he tentatively reached out a trembling hand, tracing the outline of Madam Ariaki's thatched, inviting sex. Carefully, reverently, he parted them.

He slipped a finger into the slick pinkish-purple folds, marveling at the outline of her swollen bud his father had described. Madam Ariaki's words echoed in his mind, and he began to gently rub the tender flesh, eliciting a fresh spasm from the lifeless body. An obscene mixture of musk and the earthy tang of her release blossomed on the straw mat, one even death could not extinguish. 
The sight attacked his 5 senses. His young breath hitched as he tottered to his knees. His delirious hand flew into the inkwell of her spent ecstasy on the tatami, coating them in the slick, pungent fluid. He brought it to his lips, hesitating only briefly before tasting the essence of Madam's final, ecstatic surrender. The flavor was sharp, igniting a spark within him that threatened to consume him whole. Then, with urgency he gripped the beauteous severed head and deepened the kiss, tongue exploring the familiar terrain, tasting the faint remnants of her final, exquisite climax. 

With a sudden inspiration, he broke from the wet kiss and dove that face between his thighs, the soft strands of her errant hair tickling his most sensitive flesh as he loosened her wry smile. Biting his lip, he pressed his raging length forward, shuddering as her plump, yielding cool lips enveloped him. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced – the gentle suction, the velvet touch of her dead tongue.

Then his world narrowed, his breath, his hammering pulses drowning all else except his savage ardor. He groaned with frenzy, chasing the coiling tension that torn through him. Madam Ariaki's eyes, half-lidded, gleamed with mirth as he vented into her wanton mouth. Mindless of the fact that he was despoiling the very vessel that had once brought the Shogun himself to his knees.

When the climax seized him, Kisaburo arched his back, a strangled cry escaping his lips as he spilled himself raw into the silken confines of her mouth. He yelped, exploding as he fell back as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over him, leaving him trembling and spent. 

He tenderly brushed the seed crusted hair from her face, marveling at the vacant- knowing bliss still etched upon her seed glazed features. Like wisdom. They spent the rest of the night as he held her there, making her watch as his plunging fingers coaxed out every last spasm of her climax from that body.

When at last the twitching ceased and the last quiver had passed, Kisaburo withdrew his hand. As the first rays of dawn painted the horizon, Kisaburo gathered up Madam's well- used head from the well- soiled mat, cradling it close and pressed a reverent finger coated in her essence into her cold, unresponsive lips. Then withdrawing, he too licked it clean. The taste of her, the feel of her skin, the sight of her final, expression – it would all be his to savor, to cherish, until the end of his days. She will be a profound, otherworldly memory, and she would be playing inside him mercilessly.


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