The Bad Woman

The boy lord woke full of curiosity, he spent the morning admiring snow flakes
then remembered the bad woman his brothers were laughing about over dinner
He wanted to see the bad woman who was still there for all to see-
before the snow covered everything. Of course his brothers agreed after sharing grins.

It was a white wonderland! Chill with fresh wetness, the pale sun shone on everything with equal love,
The wind was cool and gentle, snow landed on his royal silk, his small lacquered hat and his retainer.
He talked freely with him, he answered everything but he was also a little sad. The boy wanted
him to smile more so he would not be sad, like mother, but she never listened, and she never smiled.

The woman was in the distance, it was strange that she was floating, without body, save for a long pole,
Like a sweet Manju spitted on a tall prod. The unarranged strands of her coiffure waved like horsehair
There was red magic floating from it that became long strands in the wind.
She was very pretty, despite the snow flakes. She didn't seemed like she wanted to talk.

Her eyes were closed, with rich somber expression frozen as if in meditation, like his mother, though prettier,
He never knew why mother told him to dislike her, even though his father liked her, he liked that.
It is good to love beauty and be free to express it, he thought privately, though proudly with a smile.
And wondered how does she kept her skin in that exotic blue hue. It was wondrous against the snowflakes.

She was so disinterested in him, yet so magnificent she pierced him.
Something like love and like pain with a throbbing itch in his feeling core.

Thank you so much for your beauty.” he spoke, still a little shy, and bowed his head to the quiet woman.
The woman still didn’t respond, and seemed to be more interested in gathering snow flakes,
He bowed again, smiling a little with nervousness, he never know when to say the right things,
and gestured with his rein. With a last nod of courtesy, he and his servant departed. There was much turning back.

She's gorgeous!” he exclaimed excitedly.
Yes.” “Yes she was my lord.” came the simple reassuring voice.

The boy clapped his hands and wanted to come here every season hence to regard that superb face more.
His retainer smiled, and resumed his sadness.


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